Digital Tutors - Architectural Visualization in CINEMA 4D -iNKiSO

Digital Tutors - Architectural Visualization in CINEMA 4D -iNKiSO
English | VP6F 1280x720 | MP3 96 kbps | 1.44 GB
Genre: eLearning
In this series of lessons we will learn a creative workflow for modeling architectural scenes.
In this course we are going to cover the creation of an exterior arch-viz scene from start to finish. We are going to learn different modeling techniques during the process. We are going to take a look at using the hair module to create realistic looking grass and also how to tune the settings to give the best results. We are also going to take a look at different building techniques that are used in real life that cross over into the 3d world to help add more realism.
Elegance 22 Oct, 2011
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