Top 10 Natural Remedies for Women

David Wolfe, world-renowned raw foodist, recently noted 10 super foods that can consumed regularly with great implications for women’s health (and I would argue men as well). As David reminds us, who was reminded by his mother, “if you lose your health, you’ve lost everything”. Check out these 10 natural remedies he identifies, along with my own commentary.


As quoted by David, “High in super immune-enhancing polysaccharides such as beta glucans, medicinal mushrooms are one of the most intelligent adaptogenic herbs/superfoods on the planet. Reishi mushroom, the “mushroom of immortality,” is an immune system nutrient that is suitable for nearly anyone to take, even children. Reishi is the most well studied herb in the history of the world. Reishi has antioxidant properties that protect the body from radiation and free radi- cals. It inhibits bacteria, viruses, treats tumors and its adaptogenic quality protects the body against stress. It also treats heart disease and high blood pressure.”

My take: I couldn’t agree more. In my 2+ years of dealing with Reishi mushrooms personally, and in others, I have seen transformations and heard testimonials that would leave many stunned. The adaptogenic and intelligence qualities of this herb is what truly makes it the “King of Herbs”.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

David says “These are especially important for women because they perform a number of functions in the body from balancing hormones to improving skin and hair.”

My take: Finding the right source in fish is crucial due to mercury. However, there are other forms such as hemp and chia that can ensure you avoid that issue if you are not comfortable with your source.


David correctly notes “These vitamins are highly correlated with our ability to handle stress. B-12 gets used up in our body quickly just by the stresses and toxicity found in our environment on a daily basis.”

My take: As a population obsessed with grains we get plenty of the lower B’s, but miss out on B-12 in a big way. A super food not on this list, but excellent in B-Vitamins including 12, is bee pollen.


One of David’s favorite foods, he notes that “this adaptogenic super food increases energy, endurance, strength and libido. Dried maca powder contains more than 10% protein, nearly 20 amino acids, and 7 essential amino acids. It offers incredible hormone regulation from the top down, supporting the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, the thyroid, and the adrenals. Maca is also rich in B Vitamins.”

My take: That’s some serious power. Time to get me some more maca.


David references Donna Gates, the author of the “The Body Ecology Diet”, “advocates consuming a combination of good quality probiotics as well as cultured and fermented foods like coconut water kefir, while reducing sugar intake. This will lead to enhanced immunity as the beneficial bacteria in your body work as part of the immune system.”

My take: I know this all too well and experienced what an imbalance in our internal ecosystem can do to your health. Keep your sugars, breads, and alcohol to a minimum and take a good quality probiotic. Once it gets out of balance it’s a tight rope to get it back.


“Astragalus has antioxidants that protects the cell against damage caused by free radicals and is used to protect and support the body’s immune system, including improving the power of the lungs.”

My take: The only one I have not actively taken but heard a lot of good things about.

Goji Berries

David remarks” goji berries are regarded as a longevity, strength-building, and potency food of the highest order. This superfood contains 18 kinds of amino acids, all 8 essential amino acids, up to 21 trace minerals, high amounts of antioxidants, iron, polysaccharides, B and E vitamins, and many other nutrients. They are very high in antioxidants, especially eyesight improving zeaxanthin.”

My take: Use ‘em all the time in smoothies. Powerful and comprehensive nutrition in these babies. A must for anyone looking to achieve better health.


Arguably his favorite super food “cacao is the highest antioxidant food on the planet, the #1 source of magnesium, iron, chromium, manganese and is also extremely high in PEA. Cacao’s theobromine adds cardiovascular support. Raw chocolate balances brain chemistry, builds strong bones, is a natural aphrodisiac, and elevates your mood”.

My take: Cacao is a powerful super food, and another great ingredient in smoothies. It is one of the few I would moderate due to its caffeine like effects.

Aloe Vera

“The gel of raw aloe vera contains vitamins A, C, and E, the minerals sulfur, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, and chromium, as well as antioxidants, fiber, amino acids, enzymes, sterols, lignans, and most importantly, polysaccharides. The polysaccharides in aloe vera have a particular lubricating effect on the joints, brain, nervous system and the skin. They also have immuno-modulating effects, allowing the body to fight back chronic viral, nanobacterial and fungal infections.”

My take: Aloe Vera is another staple in my fridge for intestinal health. The rest is a bonus.


Not a super food, but critical to our health, “walking barefoot on the Earth (grass, sand, soil, forest floor, etc.) can help ameliorate the constant irritation caused by electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) and other types of radiation on our systems from house- hold appliances, cell phones, computers and Wi-Fi. By getting outside, barefoot, and touching the Earth, we are allowing the massive negatively-charged electrical field of the Earth push off static electricity fields and positive charge from our body.”

My take: Again, I completely agree. I have used grounding technology (not the barefoot style as it is not practical currently) for years and have noticed a significant difference in the way I feel when “grounded”.

Although there are plenty of other super foods not on this list, this is certainly an excellent start and a move towards consuming more of these types of foods will most certainly improve your health. As always, consult your health practitioner, but more importantly, make your health your priority.

Enjoy the complete interview on Natural Remedies at New Life Magazine.

To learn more about natural remedies such as medicinal mushrooms, visit


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