F-35 production a troubling example of Pentagon spending

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There are 56 F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighters being assembled at Lockheed Martin's facility in Fort Worth. But because only 20 percent of the testing for the most advanced fighter-bomber in U.S. history is completed, each will probably have to get million-dollar-or-more fixes later.
The F-35 is already the most costly U.S. weapons program underway at about $385 billion. But that figure may go higher with overrun of the per-plane contract price for the 56 craft being assembled — along with the future multimillion-dollar fixes likely to be required for them — and the 15 F-35s completed but not yet delivered to the military services.
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Source: http://feeds.washingtonpost.com/click.phdo?i=e3435c1c5e4f5e4ba38d45292d03fe3d
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