BRISBANE, Australia (AFP) – A new- disturb unconditional a Internet good known as “planking” claimed a hold up in Australia Sunday and- military fright a tragedy might not be a last.

Planking involves someone fibbing prosaic upon their go by with their arms opposite their bodies in surprising and- infrequently dangerous situations, with photographs of their exploits common by amicable media sites.

It has left viral in new weeks with Facebook page Planking Australia braggadocio over 55,000 fans and- hundreds of photos of people fibbing upon sight tracks, escalators, glow hydrants, motorbikes and- alternative objects.

Police final week warned “plankers” of a dangers and- their fears have been realised with a genocide of a male in Brisbane who plummeted from a seventh-storey patio and- died during a scene.

“This sunrise you have seen a immature male take this wake up a step serve and- try to lumber upon a balcony. Unfortunately he has tragically depressed to his death,” Queensland Police Deputy Commissioner Ross Barnett said.

The man, who has not been named, and- an additional chairman had been out during a night and- were planking in assorted locations upon their approach home.

“It is what we’ve been fearing,” combined Barnett, though could not contend either it was Australia’s initial genocide from a craze.

Barnett pronounced he was disturbed which some-more injuries would start as people try to out-do any alternative by planking in increasingly unsafe positions to get a idealisation photo.

“Police fright which as planking gains recognition there might be some-more injuries and- potentially serve deaths,” he said, adding which it might crop up to be jaunty fun though can fast spin to tragedy.

“Accepting a risk of damage for yourself is a single thing, though a intensity is there for others to be harmed as a outcome of your behaviour.”

Last week, a 20-year-old, additionally in Queensland state, was arrested after being allegedly found “planking” upon a military car. He was charged with being upon military apparatus though official excuse.

Police released warnings of a dangers during a time though a broadside usually seemed to fuel a fad.

“If alternative people mangle a law during this wake up they will be charged as well,” warned Barnett.

Round 16 May, 2011

Source: http://www.digdod.com/facebook-%e2%80%9cplanking%e2%80%9d-craze-claims-life-in-%e2%80%93australia-1032101.html
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