Whatever Google (and Yahoo!) can do, Bing can do better? It doesn’t just have which supposed ring to it, though Bing has proven to be the bona fide contender in the poke wars — quite upon the mobile side. This week, Microsoft launched the series of updates to the Bing for Mobile crop portal, giving users entrance to improved and- faster picture search, real-time movement and- directions, app poke for the iPhone, and- more. The new- chronicle relies upon HTML5, and- the association assures us which Windows Phone 7 await for the updates (and- HTML5) will be accessible after in the year. On-the-go users will additionally see movement directions (real-time in Boston, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, and- Los Angeles), the reorganized selling experience, programmed continue suggestions and- app / film searches. Head upon down to the source couple (on your phone, of course) to see if any of the brand new facilities have we sold.
How can we “be what’s next” but carrying what’s subsequent upon your phone? Bing is here to assistance we perform the tagline by updating the mobile site for any device which runs HTML5. If the refurbish had the prominence tilt to uncover off the newest features, here’s what would be upon it: the carousel-like interface in the headlines territory which lets we appropriate your finger left or right to switch to alternative categories; maps which uncover directions together in split-screen format; the poke story finish with trending topics; and- the capability to share images and- links upon Facebook. The new- enhancements have been right away accessible to iOS, Android, and- BlackBerry, so it’s an easy journey over to your browser to check it out. Or, if you’re celebration of the mass this upon your phone, give the ol’ More Coverage couple the discerning tap.
Alberth 11 Jun, 2011
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