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At a moment, there have been dual really similar-looking e-readers with black-and–white Pearl E Ink touchscreens upon a market, and- now, a not as big and- reduction costly of a span is up for grabs. The Kobo eReader Touch Edition went upon sale currently in a US and- Canada for $129.99 (or $139.99 Canadian Dollars) during Best Buy, Borders, Walmart, and- a Canadian bookseller Indigo. If you’ll recall, a 6-inch Kobo is thinner, lighter, and- some-more compress than a Nook Touch, even yet a shade is a same size. It additionally undercuts it by $10 but, there’s usually 1GB of inner mental recall indifferent for book storage. Could these trade-offs be value a trimmer design? We’ll leave which to we and- your wallet (and- a man who might or might not embrace this as a last-minute Father’s Day gift).


In eReading with 3.6 million users in some-more than 100 countries worldwide, currently voiced which a new- Kobo eReader Touch Edition is accessible in stores and- online during heading retailers together with Indigo (www.indigo.ca), Best Buy (www.bestbuy.ca), Walmart (www.walmart.ca) and- Borders (www.borders.com) with a MSRP of $129.99 USD and- $139.99 CDN. In stores right away for Father’s Day and- graduation gifting, a Kobo Touch Edition is a undiluted present for dads, grads and- those seeking for summer celebration of a mass fun. Kobo additionally offers a Father’s Day Gift Guide with alternative good gifting ideas during www.kobo.com/giftguide.



Beautiful New- Design

The Kobo eReader Touch Edition offers a pleasing new- pattern which provides a idealisation in celebration of a mass comfort. Small and- lightweight, it fits simply in a purse or coupler slot for easy transport anywhere. The new- Kobo eReader Touch Edition comes in preference of in vogue colors; black, lilac, blue and- china – there is a tone to fit everyone. A single, neat home symbol allows for a purify design, giveaway of buttons for a pristine celebration of a mass knowledge – books do not have keyboards conjunction should an eReader.



Amazing New- Touch Experience

Now with Infrared Touch Technology, eReading is easy, with a new- touchscreen use-rs can simply daub or appropriate to spin a page, only similar to celebration of a mass a genuine book. Kobo’s eReader Touch Edition offers a insubordinate new- flicker-free hold shade experience, featuring a new-est E Ink record which is only similar to celebration of a mass imitation upon paper – glare-free and- easy to review in splendid sunlight. With an lengthened one-month battery life* and- 2GB of onboard storage for 1,000 books** (expand-able to 30,000 by adding a SD card), a use-r can lift entrance their complete living room anytime, anyplace.



Kobo eReader Touch Edition facilities include:

Beautiful, new- � la mode design

The idealisation Pearl 6″ E Ink screen

Slimmer, lighter, and- not as big – for easy travel

A singular home symbol which eliminates confusion so we can concentration upon reading

Flicker-free page turns – extended record enables flicker-free page turns for an undeviating celebration of a mass experience

Easy-to-use- and- a idealisation in joy – review for hours but strain

High opening engine for ultra-fast page turning, low energy consumption

Long battery hold up which delivers a month of celebration of a mass upon a singular charge

Real Touch™ knowledge – use- zForce™ infrared hold record for tap/swipe Page turns, prolonged press highlights and- demeanour up, wizz and- rotate

Intuitive browsing knowledge – navigate discerning by complete chapters or your complete library

Customizable fonts – dual rise styles and- twelve rise sizes

Build your shortlist – discerning emanate by-pass to a one preferred books or stream reads

Easily prominence passages inside of a book

Read PDFs – Download, entrance and- review personal and- veteran documents. Zoom in and- increase images, draw towards your finger to try a page. Double daub to discerning wizz 200%

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Supported record formats include: Books: EPUB, PDF and- MOBI; Documents: PDF;

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Kobo offers 1 million FREE titles

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Earn Awards Just for Reading – with Reading Life

In addition, a new- Kobo Touch Edition additionally includes Reading Life, Kobo’s amicable knowledge which lets use-rs consequence awards – and- shortly rewards – only for reading. Reading Life additionally allows use-rs to find their own celebration of a mass stats, tracking pages read, mins per celebration of a mass event and- an general outlook of finished books in their library. With Reading Life, readers can sync And-roid-enabled phones, iPhones, iPads or iPod Touches to knowledge Reading Life opposite devices.



The First International eReader

The Kobo eReader Touch will be a initial eReader to be accessible in mixed languages and- will suggest a utterly internal experience, together with content, recommendations and- a Kobo store. Currently accessible in English, with French, German, Spanish, and- Italian entrance soon.

Mike 19 Jun, 2011

Source: http://www.digdod.com/kobo-ereader-touch-edition-goes-on-sale-in-the-us-and-canada-1034082.html
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