Q: What resources/communities do you have have have make use of of of of to find/share/get assistance with your open source hardware projects?
I regularly spin to a forum when you have a problem. If something is unequivocally boring upon you post it upon a blog and- may be suggest a esteem for a solution.
Some projects get posted during Instructables if they’re ubiquitous seductiveness enough. We do weekly PCB giveaways upon Facebook and- Twitter. Our usually genuine promotion is when a projects get posted upon blogs similar to Make, Hacked Gadgets, and- Slashdot. [And-, if you contingency contend so ourselves, Hothardware.com.]

Q: Who is shopping your projects so far? Hobbyists? Are they used in any blurb projects?

Hobbyists, students, engineers, hackers, program developers, and- more. We have a lot of geeky tools, yet you additionally have ubiquitous interest things similar to a USB remote carry out receiver for computers. We listen to from engineers in lots of household-name software, Internet, and- hardware companies which have have have make use of of of of a tools. you do not know if those companies have been essentially upon condition which which hardware. you wouldn’t call it an endorsement.

Copies of a projects have been accessible during Seeed, and- clones and- knock-offs have been finished by multiform companies. A integrate things competence be used as partial of a finished product soon, too.


Q: If a hardware is open source, and- a production and- a sales is finished by Seeed, what does DP do to keep business shopping a things and- not only creation it themselves?

Stop them? We inspire it! We even help. All a additional PCBs, even for arriving projects, have been accessible for giveaway from a ‘free PCB drawer’ store. you wish smart, gifted people to set up a projects. They share their knowledge and- insight, uncover off their work during hacker spaces, and- in all have Dangerous Prototype possible. The DIY builders have been valued village members.

We’re not only open source, we’re additionally open development. All a in-progress work is publicly accessible to anyone. It helps get profitable pattern review, and- infrequently a village will set up and- determine a plan prior to you get to it. We essay to be a opensourcyist.

Q: How many products has DP constructed and- is shipping so far? Is this a full list?

That’s many of a things which has essentially been shipped, substantially tighten to thirty things so far. There’s a couple of projects which had reduced runs upon an additional page, and- a little of a listings have mixed sub-projects and- mixed versions. There’s additionally a garland of projects you expelled yet didn’t sell: Aband-oned Projects. And- new- projects which have been in development, or only for fun, yet not (yet) for sale: In Development.

Q: So discuss it me about a little of a alternative engaging projects DP has created. What would someone have have have make use of of of of an USB Infrared Toy for?

Plug it in to a mechanism USB pier and- command- a mechanism with an infrared remote control. It additionally has lots of fun geeky functions – it can uncover a remote carry out vigilance upon a proof analyzer graph, and- replay it to carry out TVs, DVRs, etc.

Q: The Web Platform is described as a “tiny server” … is it essentially a server? What kind of CPU? Does it have any storage/memory?

It is a starting indicate for conceptualizing things which need Internet access. It has a 16bit CPU with 8K of RAM and- runs during 80MHz, a microSD label is used for storage. The program can be altered over USB. The village uses it for lots of stuff, all from home industrialisation to remote continue stations.
One firmware does have it a little web page server which loads pages from an SD card. The web pages competence uncover live sensor readings or have buttons which carry out stuff. It’s not meant to offer web pages to lots of users though.

We have have have make use of of of of a web height for a interactive internet projects. Last year you could select a tone of a Yuletide tree lights from Twitter, it was a illusory light show. Right right away we’re regulating it to imitation all a Twitter @mentions upon a money register taking printer.
Q: Are you formulating all of these play upon your own, or have been you additionally aiding alternative engineers get their ideas to market?

We in all do 100% strange in-house designs. An difference is a the Logic Sniffer which was co-developed with a Gadget Factory.

Q: If someone had an thought for house they longed for to set up and- sell, would they go to you … or to Seeed?

If you have a finished project, Seeed has a use called Propagate for production tiny quantities (100+) of open source hardware. If you need assistance operative out a little bugs in your prototype, Dangerous Prototypes had a illusory village which will try to assistance in a forums. We’re regularly open to plan ideas and- suggestions too, yet you do not do law engineering.



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