Just a week after eventually phenomenon a shining N9, Nokia could be gripping Europe out of a loop.

Nokia could good be land behind a recover of a Nokia N9 MeeGo smartphone to Europe, presumably permanently, instead focusing upon Windows Phone 7.

This has come about after it was detected which a UK, and- alternative vital European countries were not listed upon a accessibility territory of a N9′s website.

Instead it appears as yet a N9 will be streamer to a Pacific with New- Zealand-, Malaysia and- Australia all being listed, suggesting a really targeted proceed for a release.

Coming usually days after a trickle of multiform new- Symbian phones, it seems peculiar which Nokia would reason behind upon a product which has, so far, perceived really certain feedback from not usually Europe though around a world.

If a N9 came to a UK would we switch to MeeGo? Let us know what we consider upon Facebook and- Twitter.


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