Bali Added to UNESCO\'s Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity List

Chinese shadow puppetry and Belgian set ritual repertoire, both passed down through the generations were added Saturday to UNESCO’s list of “intangible cultural heritage” of humanity.

Envoys on Indonesia’s resort island of Bali added the two new entries to UNESCO’s intangible cultural heritage of humanity list for 2011. Chinese shadow puppetry is a form of theatre acted by colourful silhouette figures made from leather or paper, accompanied by music and singing and manipulated by puppeteers using rods, UNESCO explained on its website.

Also newly listed is Leuven age set ritual repertoire from Belgium, a rite of passage centring on the ten years leading up to a man’s fiftieth birthday.

More items are expected to be listed when envoys meet again on Sunday. UNESCO has chosen 47 items last year including Indian Chhau dance which enacts episodes from epics including the Mahabharata and Ramayana and human towers built by members of amateur groups named Castells in Spain.


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