Demi and Ashton\'s Marriage in Tweets

Following the announcement of their separation, we take a look back at some of the pair's more memorable moments on Twitter. In March 2009, Kutcher made headlines when he posted a tantalising picture of Moore bending over in a bikini with the caption, 'Shhh, don't tell wifey.'
He added: 'Watching my wife steam my suit while wearing a bikini. I love God!'
The intimate shot gave an unprecedented, candid view into the private lives of celebrity and less than a month later, Kutcher was the first person to hit one million followers on Twitter.
The couple thrilled many by spearheading the direct link between themselves and their fans, voluntarily giving outsiders a glimpse into their home life. But while the pictures of their lives from riding on private jets to make-up free at home attracted fans in their droves to the site, many soon tired of their at times sickly displays of affection.
In December 2009, the couple were ridiculed for having a 'Twitter conversation' with each other by posting pictures on the site with writing on their hands, while sitting in different rooms of their home. The couple previously conversed over the site on a daily basis, and used it to hit back at their detractors.
Shortly after the pair were hit by cheating allegations published in Star magazine in September last year, Kutcher tweeted: I think Star magazine calling me a 'cheater' qualifies as defamation of character. I hope my lawyer agrees.
'STAR magazine - you don't get to stand behind "freedom of the press" when you are writing fiction.'
Moore responded with: 'Excellent point my love!' and 'No question!' immediately after Kutcher's comments. Not long after, she posted a picture of the pair reunited and looking happier than ever at a football game.
On their fifth wedding anniversary the extroverted pair showed fans how they were spending the occasion, posting an intimate picture of them cuddled up in bed.Demi continued to post pictures of the couple in happier days on various holidays and around the home.
Her last picture of them together was in July during a fishing trip. The first hint that something was amiss was just a couple of days after their sixth wedding anniversary in late September.
Demi posted a self-portrait of herself in bed with her eyes closed, with the caption 'I see through you.' It later emerged that the couple spent their anniversary apart, and the sensational allegations that Kutcher had cheated on her during a hedonistic night in a San Diego hotel room with 23-year-old Sara Leal quickly hit the headlines.
Kutcher attempted to refute the rumours by tweeting: 'When you ASSUME to know that which you know nothing of you make an ASS out of U and ME'. After a few months of deliberation and last-ditch efforts to save their relationship, Moore announced she was seeking a divorce from her husband.
She said in a statement that she is filing for divorce with 'great sadness and a heavy heart'. Hinting at Kutcher's infidelity, Demi said: 'As a woman, a mother and a wife, there are certain values and vows that I hold sacred, and it is in this spirit that I have chosen to move forward with my life'.
Kutcher quickly followed this with his own message, posted on his Twitter page. He wrote: 'I will forever cherish the time I spent with Demi.
'Marriage is one of the most difficult things in the world and unfortunately sometimes they fail. Love and Light, AK.'
Both of the actors have fallen silent on the social networking site ever since the announcement. Moore is now left with the awkward task of changing her Twitter handle, which is currently 'mrskutcher.'