Indonesia Invites South Korea to Develop Fisheries Industry

In an effort to enhance marine and fisheries cooperation between Indonesia and South Korea, today the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Sharif C. Sutardjo received the visiting Minister of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of the Republic of Korea, Suh Kyu Yong.

During the conversation with Yong, Sharif stated that the fisheries will be developed based on industry so that the fishery products which was produced have more value and increase the revenue for community." The industrialization of fisheries by strengthening the domestic fisheries industry is a strategy that will be implemented", he said.

According to him, industrialization is a process of government intervention, which aims to improve the quality and competitiveness of traditional fishermen, increasing the number of traditional industry players, and finally to bring national industry players to compete in the international market level. With the industrialization, fishermen are the subject rather than object. A prosperous fisherman is the industrialization process that is highly competitive.

Furthermore, Sharif said that Korea is one of the strategic partner countries of Indonesia since these two countries had signed a declaration of strategic fisheries partnership in 2006. In addition, both countries were also signed the Arrangement on the Cooperation in Quality Control and Hygiene Safety of Import and Export Fish and Fishery Products.

The Republic of Korea has a superiority in marine and fisheries technology. The partnership between two countries will also be encouraged to develop marine ranching, species conservation, eco-tourism, integrated coastal zone management, and integrated fishing industry.

To realize the development of fisheries industry between two countries, The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries has invited the Korean Maritime Institute, as well as Pukyong National University, Korean Institute of Maritime and Fisheries Technology, and Korean International Cooperation Agency/KOICA.

"The Cooperation between the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and Korea actively is Indonesian effort to explore the capabilities of Korea in Industrial Scientifics as well as marine and fisheries research, development and capacity building of marine technology, marine-source alternative energy, sustainable manajement and integrated marine and coastal ecosystems, conservation of fisheries resources and establish the center of marine policy, including the education of marine and fisheries", Sharif explained.

According to him, these opportunities will be pursued through training, workshops and other capacity-building, such as cooperation in research and development, exchanges of experts, information and related data. For the implementation of this agreement, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheres and Korea will appoint their each focal point to discuss the operational steps of cooperation research.

For further information, please contact Dr. Yulistyo Mudho, M.Sc, Head of Data, Statistics and Information Center, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (Mobile: 0811836967).



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