Noel Gallagher's Tales From The Middle Of Nowhere (Vol.2) Part Five

Yes comrades.
We cool? Good.
The flight was very uneventful. I guess that's how you want them though, eh?
Seen that Gordon Ramsay fella at Heathrow. You know that guy? Celebrity chef? He's convinced "Fresh local ingredients" can save the world!! Don't know why that's interesting, or why I'm even telling you, but there you go.
Toronto is freeeeeeezing as usual. I did a special little acoustic show last night. Only about 200 people. There was a LOT of love in the room mostly coming from grown men, I have to say, which always makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. It was a good laugh though.
City won again yesterday AND, as luck would have it, it was live on TV!!!!!!! I'm starting to believe now.
Done nothing today. There's nothing to do. Literally nothing.
Got 2 shows coming up at Massey Hall and if last night is anything to go by they should be great.
I'm currently being a sloth watching some NFL game or other. I quite like American Football. Not quite sure why. I recall being hooked one night in the '80s while I was tripping!!! Think it might've been the colours. And before you ask, no I don't have a favourite team or player. I don't know anything about it other than the rules and the fact that it's mega when you're tripping - which I'm not at the moment, by the way!!!!
In a bit.
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