Proud Sumatran Tiger Enjoys Eskimo Kiss with Her Newborn

In other tender scenes, Kirana delighted visitors by giving one of her cubs an Eskimo kiss followed by a thorough cleaning with her tongue. They had been kept inside their enclosure as they adjusted to life together, but Kirana is now showing them off to the outside world.
Born to Kirana and father Fabi on October 22, their arrival has been cause for huge celebration at the zoo because there are perhaps only around 400 of the critically endangered species left in the wild.
Kirana and Fabi are part of the the European Endangered Species Programme which attempts to co-ordinate breeding between zoos and maintain genetic diversity. Tim Rowlands, the zoo's Curator of Mammals, said: 'Kirana is so far doing a brilliant job and is being a very attentive mum.
'It's estimated that there are just a few hundred (Sumatran tigers) left in the wild and only around 7per cent of their original habitat remains, which is why these triplets are so, so important.
'To think they're now part of a safety net in case wild populations go extinct is pretty remarkable and quite humbling.'
Sumatran tigers, as their name suggests, are only found on the Indonesia islands of Sumatra, where they continue to be poached for traditional medicine.
They are the smallest of all tigers alive today. Their stripes are narrower and closer together than on many other sub-species, which make them highly adapted to moving stealthily through dense forest.
Kirana and Fabi are part of the the European Endangered Species Programme which attempts to co-ordinate breeding between zoos and maintain genetic diversity.