Karaoke Concert IN Memory Of Leslie Cheung Next Year

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In 2003 Hong Kong lost two great superstars Leslie Cheung Kwok Wing and Anita Mui Yim Fong. Next year will be the 10th anniversary of their passing. Cheung Kwok Wing's former manager Chan Suk Fun has already booked the Hong Kong Coliseum. On March 31 Gor Gor's friends will be invited to perform his hits in memory of and a salute to him. Chan Suk Fun said, "This time the format will be a memorial event. Currently the Hong Kong Coliseum has been booked for two nights. On the night of the 31st singers will perform Gor Gor's classic hits. On April 1 a large scale karaoke will take place for funs to enjoy Gor Gor's past concerts and sing together. The details will be announced after the New Year." Mui Yim Fong's disciples plan to hold a concert for her next year, but they are still in the initial planning stage.

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: hktopten

Admin 22 Dec, 2012

Source: http://tvbnewsworld.blogspot.com/2012/12/karaoke-concert-in-memory-of-leslie.html
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