Juan Manuel Fangio Awarded from Google

SILICON VALLEY - Fans of Formula One (F1) must never forget the figure of Juan Manuel Fangio. He became the only Latin American rider who won more than three world titles in the F1 race.

Juan Manuel Fangio
Total has five world titles he pocketed that is in the race in 1951, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957. His record dab newly solved in 2002 when it came out a champion Michael Schumacher with Ferrari.

But do not stop there, two subsequent editions also won by Schumacher the nickname Schumacher- and make Fangio must give up the first position in the rider struggling from the coma.

Ignoring his school to a concentration in the automotive world is indeed a matter of right. He started the first race at the British Grand Prix and in the same year won the first victory.

The Argentine big name riders make a great team like Alfa Romeo, Maseratti, Mercedes, and Ferrari use their services. Now, there are riders who target record Fangio. Call it Sebastian Vettel who has won four titles and now race with Ferrari.

Achievement Fangio in Formula One remembered by Google with a doodle media. Understandably, Friday (06/24/2016) is the birthday of Fangio. That makes today as the 105th anniversary of the drivers.

This picture in the google home page


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