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..for a small games, says Ubi trainer Yves Guillemot


Wii U will not usually compare though kick out PS3 and- Xbox 360 in visible conditions “for a small of a games”, according to Ubisoft trainer male Yves Guillemot.


When quizzed – as each developer during E3 will have been – upon how Wii U compares to a alternative HD consoles, Guillemot replied: “I consider during slightest [as powerful]. It should be even higher for a small of a games. We do not know everything, so we have a couple of things Nintendo is revelation us that will have such and- such powers.”


He goes upon to endorse that a organisation has had a Wii U dev kits for “quite a small time”, and- that “from a commencement when we saw that console we were tender by a turn of peculiarity of a knowledge we could get.”


Guillemot is unsurprisingly confident of a event for an additional able height in that Ubi can recover a high-profile titles during small additional cost. “[Wii U] doesn’t enlarge [development costs] really most because- a value is in being tighten to a alternative machines, we can do a diversion for all a formats during a same time.”


In contrariety to Guillemot’s statement, Ubisoft Quebec’s comparison technical designer Marc Parenteau told press it’s as well early for comparisons in between Wii U and- a stream HD platforms because- developers have nonetheless to sense their approach around a new- Nintendo hardware.


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Round 22 Jun, 2011

Source: http://www.digdod.com/wii-u-visuals-superior-to-xbox-360-ps3-by-ubisoft-1034243.html
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