MassiveSynth NI Massive Video Course TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE

MassiveSynth NI Massive Video Course TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE | 437MB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
This course will show you how to master NI Massive, and do it all in under 3 Hours. Accelerate your ability and use NI Massive like a pro!
Module 1 - The Basics
A complete run through of the NI Massive Synth basics. This video tutorial walks you through all the features and functions you need to be familiar with to start working with Massive including the menus global settings the central tabs and an overview of each of the modules.
Module 2 - Routing
A must for all sound designers. This video tutorial guides you through Oscillators Filters ENV (ADSR) noise and the feedback module so that you understand how each of the modules in Massive are routed. You will also learn how the routing tab which pulls this section all together.
Module 3 - Sound Shaping
Where the magic happens! This video tutorial steps you through sound shaping with the application of filters and provides an in-depth look at the wavetables showing you how to fine tune and modulate the oscillators to produce professional quality sounds
Module 4 - Sequencing
Add character to your sounds. This video tutorial provides instruction on the sequencing tools available in Massive including Stepper Performer and the LFO's and explains how the use of sequencing can make your sounds more distinctive
Module 5 - Effects
Bring your synths to life. This video tutorial demonstrates Macros inserts and the Master FX features and explains how to use these various modules to shape your sounds using expert techniques
Module 6 - Rhythmic Sequence (Bonus)
Bring it all together! In this video you will pull everything you have learnt together to create rythmic sequences. You'll see how to make Kicks Hi hats bass and pads and how to use all you have learnt together and start making sounds like a pro!