Indonesia Renews Stand to Solve Iranian Nuclear

Indonesia has renewed its stand that the question of Iranian nuclear must be resolved by diplomacy, negotiations and peaceful means, an Indonesian diplomat said.

Ambassador/Indonesian Permanent Representative in Vienna I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja made the remarks in his capacity as Indonesian governor at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)’s Board of Governors during a discussion of the agency’s new draft resolution on Iranian nuclear.

The Indonesian delegation to the meeting consisted of Chief of the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) Dr. As Natio Lasman, and officials of the Indonesian permanent representatives in Geneva and New York, Dr. Lalu M. Iqbal, political counselor at the Indonesian embassy/permanent representative in Vienna, said in an emailed statement here on Tuesday.

I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja said Indonesia was of the view that recent developments clearly showed foundations for sound dialogs among Iran, the agency and the international community had begun to develop and therefore, all relevant parties must refrain from taking actions and initiatives detrimental to the foundations.

Indonesia also sees cooperation between Iran and IAEA as a key to resolving the issue in the long run and therefore, all actions harmful to the cooperation must be avoided. He said Indonesia wanted the IAEA’s Board of Governors to take steps that might agreed upon by all members of the board of governors by consensus.

Indonesia was making an effort to act as a mediator to facilitate the consensus, he said adding no consensus had so far been reached due to principal difference among member countries. As a result, the board of governors held voting which ended in the endorsement of the resolution with 32 countries favoring it, two countries opposing it and one country abstaining.

He stated a number of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) member states which had so far abstained from a vote on Iran’s nuclear program this time voted in favor of the resolution. Indonesia abstained from a vote on the resolution because it was consistent with the principles of the country’s and the NAM’s views.


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