Spiny ferrofluid performs magnetic ballet

In this video, ferrofluid spikes take to the floor and perform a magnetised dance. Created by engineer Tatyana Arefyeva at the Ivanovo State Power University in Russia, the spiny ballet exploits the magnetic fields of a ferrofluid. Using a computer program to manipulate these fields, Arefyeva made the substance change shape. The particles align themselves along field lines moving with the magnetic force. When the field is turned off, they return to a random alignment.
The substance consists of a mixture of tiny magnetic particles suspended in a liquid, so the combination gives it the dual properties of a magnet and a liquid.
"These properties can be used to make a liquid that changes its density depending on the strength of the magnetic field," Arefyeva explains. "It can form fantastic shapes."
Her team is investigating how to synthesise magnetic liquids that could have practical uses, for example to clean up oil or in industrial seals.
If you enjoyed this video, watch a ferrofluid dodge bubbles or see how magnetised silly putty can engulf magnets.