Trade war looms over Europe's aircraft carbon tax

From 1 January, the EU intends to make international airlines join its Emissions Trading System (ETS). They will have to buy carbon permits for emissions made by flights into and out of European airports. China, Russia, the US, India, Brazil and Japan all oppose the plan, which they say flouts international law, and last week, the US House of Representatives voted to make it illegal for US airlines to comply, though President Barack Obama is unlikely to pass this into law. But the European Court of Justice provisionally ruled last month that the plan is legal. The impasse arose from the failure of the UN International Civil Aviation Organization to control carbon dioxide emissions from aviation, despite its 1997 pledge do to so.
A World Bank report entitled "Mobilizing Climate Finance", prepared for this week's G20 meeting of world leaders in Cannes, France, argues that global carbon taxes on aviation would be a largely painless way of raising revenue and cutting CO2 emissions.
A draft of the paper says that a charge of $25 per tonne on aviation emissions of CO2 "might raise air ticket prices by around 2-4 per cent", while reducing CO2 and other emissions on routes covered by the charges by 5 to 10 per cent. This would happen partly through fewer people flying, but mostly by encouraging the retirement of older, more polluting aircraft, as well as a switch to routes and speeds that economise on fuel, it says. The precise charge for carbon credits to fly into and out of Europe will depend on prices within the ETS, which have recently been around $15 per tonne.
Aviation emissions currently make up 3 per cent of global CO2 emissions. But their contribution to climate change is doubled by the greenhouse effect of other emissions from aircraft engines, such as water vapour and nitrogen oxides.
Airlines say the EU's move will damage their profits and reduce investment in clean technology. But the World Bank says that, far from it being an unfair burden, it would "reflect a scaling back of unusually favourable fuel tax treatment". Aviation fuel is currently untaxed worldwide.