Libyan protesters demand justice from new rulers

TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) – Around 2,000 Libyans are protesting in the eastern city of Benghazi to demand transparency and justice from the country's new leaders.

Twenty-nine-year-old protester Shoaib Idris says he wants to see fair trials for members of Moammar Gadhafi's regime, starting with the ousted leader's son, Seif al-Islam, who was captured last month.

Idris says 15 of his relatives were killed during Gadhafi's 42-year rule, which ended in October.

The country's new leaders have asked Libyans to give the new government time to get the country back on its feet after an eight-month civil war.

National Transitional Council chief Mustafa Abdul-Jalil told reporters in the capital Tripoli Monday that there will be no forgiveness for those who committed crimes against the Libyan people.


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