FDA: Initial tests negative for O.J. fungicide

Tests on three shipments of imported orange juice showed no "measurable" residue of the fungicide carbendazim, which is not approved for citrus in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration has announced.

Results are pending for 28 other shipments. That could take two to three weeks.

The agency said imported orange juice products -- including concentrate, ready-to-serve or powdered forms -- that test below 10 parts per billion will be allowed in the country. That standard is far stricter than the Environmental Protection Agency's benchmark of 80 parts per billion, but the EPA told the FDA that juice containing up to 80 ppb "does not raise any safety issues."

Because of the EPA's initial risk assessment and test results, the FDA says recalling or destroying orange juice products already in the country "is not warranted." If any brand is found to present a health risk, the FDA said it would issue and a public alert.

The FDA halted imports of orange juice after trace amounts of carbendazim were detected on shipments from Brazil, where the fungicide is approved for use on citrus.


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