L.A. auxiliary bishop resigns, admits fathering kids

LOS ANGELES (AP) – The resignation of a Los Angeles bishop who fathered two children has shocked the nation's most populous Roman Catholic archdiocese, where Auxiliary Bishop Gabino Zavala grew up and was an outspoken supporter of causes dear to the huge Hispanic population.

Zavala, 60, who once urged Catholic media to report scandals such as clergy sex abuse "in a spirit of love and mercy," had his resignation accepted by Pope Benedict XVI on Wednesday. A code of Roman Catholic canon law permits bishops to step down earlier than the normal retirement age of 75 if they are sick or otherwise unfit for office.

"This is unexpected, sad and disorienting news for many people who know and like Bishop Zavala," archdiocesan spokesman Tod Tamberg said Wednesday. "Remember, he was raised here. He has deep roots in Los Angeles and so he's very well-known here."

Tamberg said he had virtually no details about Zavala's affair except that it involved consenting adults and that no church funds were used.

A message left at a Hacienda Heights telephone number for a Gabino Zavala was not immediately returned Wednesday.

Zavala was one of five auxiliary bishops in the archdiocese and was the primary pastoral and liturgical administrator for 66 churches in the San Gabriel Region east of Los Angeles, Tamberg said. Archbishop Jose Gomez has appointed someone to handle those duties until the Vatican can appoint a replacement.

Zavala informed the archbishop early last month that he had fathered two teenage children who live with their mother in another state, Gomez said in a Wednesday letter to the archdiocese's approximately 5 million Catholics. The archbishop said Zavala told him that he had submitted his resignation to the pope.

"Since that time, he has not been in ministry and will be living privately," the archbishop said in the letter, which was posted on a Catholic blog.

"The archdiocese has reached out to the mother and children to provide spiritual care as well as funding to assist the children with college costs. The family's identity is not known to the public, and I wish to respect their right to privacy," the archbishop wrote.

Roman Catholic priests are required to be celibate, though Eastern rite priests can be married and married Anglican priests who convert can become Catholic priests.

Zavala was born in Guerrero, Mexico, but grew up in Los Angeles. He was ordained in 1977 and was assigned to Our Lady of Guadalupe, a church in the heavily Mexican-American East Los Angeles area. He was appointed an auxiliary bishop in 1994.

In a June 2010 speech to the Catholic Media Association, Zavala spoke about the duty of Catholic media to "report the truth, because the truth does set us free," but with mercy and concern for individuals.

"All too often, secular media seems to seek the destruction of individuals when they are caught in a mistake. This is not what our Lord taught us. And so this is something Catholic media can teach the secular media - how to report divisive or scandalous stories in a spirit of love and mercy," Zavala said in the speech. "Even in the midst of dark and depressing stories Catholic media can be asking, 'What is the potential for good in all of this?'"

In his role as auxiliary bishop, Zavala spoke out in support of immigration rights and prison reforms, better conditions for the working poor and against the death penalty.

However, Zavala's moral stances may be overshadowed by his revelation, said the Rev. Donald Cozzens, a former seminary rector.

"Many will say he was leading a life of duplicity," said Cozzens, writer-in-residence at John Carroll University in Cleveland and author of "The Changing Face of the Priesthood." "I see this, rather, as a tragic situation … It's another sad example of fundamentally good priests and bishops who struggle with the burden of celibacy if it is not their gift."

A handful of other priests have quit their post over sexual relationships, including: Florida priest Alberto Cutie, who resigned in 2009 and married his then-girlfriend; Auxiliary Bishop James McCarthy of New York, who resigned in 2002 after the archdiocese was alerted about his affairs with women; and Archbishop Robert Sanchez of Santa Fe, N.M., who resigned in 1993 after confessing relationships with women. The late Archbishop Eugene Marino of Atlanta resigned in 1990 when his relationship with a parishioner was made public; the woman said she and the archbishop had secretly married.

In addition, Milwaukee Archbishop Rembert Weakland resigned at the mandatory age of 75 in 2002. Weakland stepped down soon after a former theology student revealed that he was paid $450,000 to settle a sexual assault claim he made against the archbishop more than two decades earlier.


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