Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Plus SP1 2011.12 Full Activation Free Download | 2 GB (Single Link)

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010, this package allows you quality work with a personal computer, telephone or web browser, regardless of your location. This software allows you to maximize the return on investment and greater results through access to opportunities server through familiar and intuitive applications. Office Professional Plus 2010 - simple, effective and time saving tool that enables everyone to do more with less effort.
The package Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010:
* Microsoft Excel 2010
* Microsoft Outlook 2010 with Business Contact Manager
* Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
* Microsoft Word 2010
* Microsoft Access 2010
* Microsoft InfoPath 2010
* Microsoft Communicator
* Microsoft Publisher 2010
* Microsoft OneNote2010
* Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010
* Microsoft Office applications for the Web

The default is:
* Excel
* Outlook
* PowerPoint
* Word
* Access

What was used:
* Genuine Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Plus SP1 VL [x86, x64] [Russian] [20/09/2011] (x86 bit image);
* Official Update on 13/12/2011, inclusive;
* Customization Microsoft Office;
* Office Language Pack 2010 (x86 and x64) - DVD [MSDN - 19.07.2011] (taken Ukrainian and English language packs);
* MSO 2010 VL KMS Activation by boss911.

System requirements:
* Operating system (minimum):
o Windows XP with Service Pack 3 (SP3) (32-bit)
o Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1)
o Windows 7
o Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 2 (SP2) and MSXML 6.0
o Windows Server 2008
* Computer and processor: PC with 500 MHz processor or faster, 256 MB or more RAM, a PC with 1 GHz processor and 512 MB of RAM (or more powerful computer) is required to work with Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 with Business Contact Manager
* Hard disk: 2 GB required for installation, part of this space will be freed after installation if the original download package is removed
* Screen resolution: minimum 800x600 pixels, 1024x768 or higher recommended
* Access to the Internet (for the successful activation of MAK-key)

Released: 2011
Operating System: Windows 7/Vista/XP
Language: English, Russian, Ukrainian
Medicine: treated
File Size: 1.98 Gb

Password : timhacker318
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