Google boss: Android Created Far Before IOS There

During his visit in South Korea, Tuesday, Schmidt denied an all-out statements like Steve Jobs who has written his biography on the book that mentions "Android is a Product Stolen"
Schmidt said Android platform created by Andy Rubin in 2003. Two years later, Google has acquired the company and raise Rubin as the leader of the division to continue to develop the operating system. Though Apple had just released the first iPhone product in 2007.
"I do not want to comment further on what has been written in books and his biography after his death. Steve Jobs is a fantastic person and a lot of people miss him. But I think people would agree that Google is a great innovator and Android more then other iPhone, "he said on Tuesday (11/08/2011).
In his biography book, Jobs said "I would spend my last breath if necessary, to straighten out what was wrong. I will destroy the Android because it is a stolen product. I will make thermonuclear war over this."
Schmidt in his second visit to South Korea is scheduled to meet with the chairman of Samsung and LG Electronics, as well as meet with the local operators, including SK Telecom, KT Corp. and LG Uplus.
In addition, Schmidt also met with South Korean President Lee Myung Bak and said Google will open a dedicated channel on YouTube Korea Pop Music. The channel is intended to further spread the Korean pop music or Korean fever throughout the world.